November 1999 Newsletter
The Bathtub Brewers Homebrewing Newsletter
November 1999
Hello homebrewers,
Welcome to the first edition of The Bathtub Brewers Homebrewing
Newsletter. Our website was designed with the intent to help homebrewers find new
information on homebrewing and have it located on one site. Just like you, we hate to
travel across the web and sift through websites that were last updated in 1996. We intend
this to be a monthly newsletter that will update you on current online events and
information in the world of homebrewing and to give you an update on the new features and
resources available to you on our site. OK, enough of the rambling, let’s get
Homebrewing On the Net (See our homepage for links. Click Here)
Tired of cranking through recipe formulations by
hand? Then stop! Take a look at The Beer Recipator site for help with designing your own
Sanitizing your equipment is one of the keys to making good beer
(and avoiding a 5 gallon culture of unwanted little friends). Brewing Techniques
tells you what to use to keep your equipment clean
Winter is upon us, and many of you out there will be brewing
spiced ales, strong ales, and other seasonal favorites. Check out this article from
Brew Your Own on "Winter Warmers" to help you get started (recipes
Beer Styles: Dopplebock
Ale Street News talks about the Dopplebock
Brewing History: Wheat Beers
(Recipe Homepage)
Recipe of the Month:
Dopplebock (All-Grain, 5 gallons)
OG 1.076
FG 1.024
11 lbs. German 2-row pale malt
2 lbs. Cara-pils malt
2 lbs. Munich malt
1 lb. 60 L Crystal malt
0.5 lb. Chocolate malt
2 oz. Tettnang hops (bittering, flavor)
1 oz. Saaz hops (aroma)
Wyeast # 2308 Munich lager yeast
1.25 cup dry malt extract (priming)
(Single-temperature infusion mash) Mash in and rest at 155
degrees F for 90 minutes. Mash out, sparge at 165 degrees F, and collect wort for boil.
Bring to rolling boil and add 1.5 oz. Tettnang hops. Boil for 45 minutes. Add 0.5 oz.
Tettnang hops. Boil for 10 minutes. Add 1 oz. Saaz hops. Boil for 5 minutes. Cool wort to
yeast pitching temperature and pitch yeast. Ferment in primary for 2 weeks at 48-54
degrees F. Rack to secondary and lager at 30-33 degrees F for 3-4 months. Bottle with dry
malt extract for priming. Bottle condition at 48-54 degrees F for 3 weeks. Be patient and
Next month’s recipe will be a spiced ale.
Have a good one? Submit it for a chance to be featured as the Recipe of the Month. Click
Here for a form or, if your browser doesn’t support forms,
send it by e-mail to:
On the Message Boards (Message Board Page)
Rudge75 from Winnepeg, Canada inquires
about lambics (message 1024)
Mash_out from Melbourne, Australia wants to know what
strain of yeast to use for a Belgian Dubbel (message 1019)
Allan DeGroot recommends a recipe to brew "for the
ladies" (message 1012)
CzechPils asks: "What have you been brewing
lately?" (message 993)
Find other homebrewer’s replies or
add your own by going to The Bathtub Brewers message post board at:
Coming Up… at The Bathtub Brewers
* Back by popular demand, we are going to attempt to organize
the Homebrewing Specials that we featured in the early days of the message post board. We
will contact homebrewing supply stores around the U.S. (and overseas if we can find lists
of these suppliers) and offer them free advertising on our site in exchange for a
discounted supply offer. In the past we have received good discounts on supplies ranging
from kegs to grain to bottlecaps. We will do the leg work, you reap the benefits (great
deal, eh?). Look for these deals coming soon… (If there are any interested supply
store owners/employees out there, feel free to get in touch with us for more information)
* If there is enough interest in it, we are
going to start a recipe exchange mailing list in the near future. How will it work? Once
you join the list, you will be able to send your recipes to everyone else in the list and
they will be able to do the same. We may try to limit the submissions to a certain style
each month and divide the lists into all-grain, extract, and mash-extract lists so that it
is somewhat organized and brewers can join and remove themselves from the lists as
necessary. We would appreciate feedback and suggestions. E-mail
* Have an ICQ number? Join our ICQ lists of
homebrewers. Click Here
* Have a recipe that you would like to submit? Click Here
* Have some homebrewing advice for other homebrewers?
Hit the message boards. Click Here
* Have a link to a great homebrewing website that we
haven’t listed? Click here
* Have a homebrewing site that you would like to put in
our Webring? Click here
* Have a homebrew, you’re at the end of the
newsletter. See you next month!
Happy Brewing,
The Bathtub Brewers

The Bathtub Brewers-Connecting Brewers Through the
Power of the Internet.
Copyright © 1998,1999 The Bathtub Brewers. All rights reserved. |