Brewing and Bottling Equipment
Note: Most homebrewing supply shops have pre-assembled kits with all
of the
supplies that you will need. Check the list below to make sure that these
essentials are included.
Brewing Equipment
(1) Brewing Kettle - Twenty to thirty-two quart kettle,
the bigger the better, stainless
steel or enamel (most brewers
prefer stainless steel)
Fermenter - Container in which the yeast does
its job! 5 - 6 gallon glass carboys
are frequently used, other brewers
use 7.5 gallon food-grade plastic
buckets with a lid
Hydrometer - Instrument that allows you to take
readings of the specific gravity of
your beer before (when it is called
"wort") and after fermentation
Thermometer - Floating variety are the most useful,
Make sure that it will read to 212
degrees F
Airlock -
Little bubbling gadget that prevents
micro-organisms from entering your
fermenting beer while letting the CO2
byproduct of yeast fermentation out;
the rubber carboy cap to hold it in
Hop Bags - Nylon or
muslin bags that hold your
hops during the boil, this prevents
you from having to strain them out
if they are boiled free
Cleansers - You can purchase
these at supply
stores or make your own version by
adding 5 teaspoons of bleach to
5 gallons of water and allowing it to
sit in your primary fermenter for
approximately 30 minutes. Rinse
with clean water three times to
remove bleach (kills yeast too!)
Racking Cane - Long, curved plastic tube used to
transfer between fermenters
(a process known as "racking")
Plastic Tubing - Used for transfers between
fermenters; make sure that it
the proper diameter for your
cane, the spout on
bucket, and the rubber
on your carboy (usually
need different diameters)
(10) Brewing Spoon
- Nothing special, just a long-handled
spoon to stir a large volume of liquid

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